
Monday, March 3, 2014

My Introductory Post (and my many disclaimers)

When I first came up with a name for this blog, I wondered if it was really a good name. It’s more of a catchphrase than anything. Not something that sounds exceptionally professional. Then I heard myself say it to someone in a conversation – without meaning to. It just applied to the situation. That’s when I realized that it was the perfect name for this blog and what it represents – a writer who needs a space to rant about things non-writer people just don’t get.

My first disclaimer is this: I am not a follow-through type person.

I’m the one who comes up with ideas, not the one that finishes them. I’m the one who forgets the details but can create a perfect preparatory outline. Thus it follows that the posts on this blog will be in keeping with my personality – lengthy, sporadic, and very, very passionate. They will also be all about writing (hence the blog title). Character development, genre discussion, ideas to fix writer’s block, maybe even a little worldview here and there. Anything that has to do with writing fiction. You name it; I’ll be posting it.

A blog is usually a place to discuss something you’re passionate about, not a place to be eloquent (as proved by the way I ended that sentence with a preposition). So I hereby launch my second disclaimer: my classical-style narrative prose will not be present on this blog.

Yeah, sure, I might get a little flowery here and there. But anyone who is a writer will tell you that sometimes it’s nice to just write as yourself, not as your narrator. And that’s what this blog is all about – a place for me to write as the crazy, dancing, random song singing writer that I am. Ergo, as potent as these posts should be, no expectations should be raised about the quality of writing herein.

(I also hope you will not judge my writing abilities based on typos, grammatical errors or temporary insanity included in these posts; it’s a blog, people, not a New York City publishing house!)

And now for my third disclaimer – I am a full-time housewife.

Most people assume that because of my occupation I should have plenty of time to myself to write whatever I want whenever I want. For anyone who thinks that – you have another think coming! (And yes, that is the correct way to say that phrase.) I work at home, which means…I WORK. My plate is full with a house that has to be run, family and friends that I have to keep up with, a dog that is sweet but demanding, and actual books to be written (not to mention a husband that prefers talking to me when I’m NOT bent over a notebook or squinting with bloodshot eyes at a computer screen).

All of that to say, I will likely be very sporadic with these posts. Most of them will be written when something brilliant comes to mind and I have to write about it. Others will come out of what I happen to be studying in my writer’s research for books. Still others may be request posts from friends, maybe even followers of this blog.

Whatever they are about and however they come about (not to mention whenever they get written), these blogs are the overflow of my intense, ever-finding-new-inspiration writer’s mind. And I hope that you can enjoy it because of this. Maybe even in spite of it. Either way. Liberty hall!

In conclusion, allow me to sum up: This blog is hereby dedicated to my overactive brain and offered forthwith to any writers who care to follow it. Blog posts will be strictly in relation to fiction, whether book or film. And be forewarned – I am a Christian and I take the Bible as the ultimate authority on all subjects (yes, even writing). Thus any and all posts will be written from a conservative, Biblical perspective.

If you’re still reading, I hope it means you’re interested and that you’ll be following, ‘cause I’m really excited about this blog! As I’ve said, posts may be published at random and will likely follow no specific order. But they’ll be written from inspiration, not obligation (if I can help it) and will hopefully inspire you, as well.

I look forward to all the crazy writer’s things I can discuss in 2014! (And to not losing my audience in the process.)

1 comment:

  1. Epicness! I added your blog to my blog news-feed so I will get all your posts now! :D


I look forward to reading what you have to say in reply to what I just wrote!