
Friday, May 23, 2014

Announcing a Book Giveaway! (And trying desperately to win it...)

     Well, this week I'm not going to write a profound post about things only a writer would get. I'm going to be a rat fink and use my blog to get a chance at winning my friend's amazing book giveaway! No judging people, please. When finances are tight, we all do crazy things. Besides, this not only gives me a chance to win but exposes my friend's blog to more people - and I'm all about sharing her blog. Elaine Dalton's poetry is melodic and inspiring; and it often drifts away from the oh so boring every-other-line-rhymes type poetry that we all tend to write when trying our hand at poetry. I haven't read the completed compilation yet, but I'm going to do everything in my power to get that book. If you don't beat me to it...
          Yours Truly

1 comment:

  1. You're amazing! :D Thank you for your thoughts on my poetry.


I look forward to reading what you have to say in reply to what I just wrote!